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ASSISI Transport in town - How to reach Assisi by Train

Getting to Assisi by Train:

From the North, the main line between Florence and Rome has a station at Terontola (on the branch line to Lake Trasimene, Perugia, Assisi, Spello, and Foligno), so coming from Florence  take one of the dozen daily trains to Terontola/Cortona (1'/2 hr.) that meet up with a connecting train to Assisi/S.Maria degli ANgeli (45 to 60 min.).
From the South, the main line between Rome and Ancona has a station at Foligno (on the branch line to Spello, Assisi, Perugia and Lake Trasimene), so coming from Rome, take one of the nine daily trains on the line to Ancona, stop at Foligno (1 hr., 40 min. to 2 hr.), where you can transfer to a Perugia-bound train (10 to 15 min.). 

All the cited lines are part of the FS state-run railway system and stop at a station on Santa MAria degli Angeli, well away from the historic center (about 3km) but  a 30-minute ride on buses  from  the center of town (C Line). Bus services leave from the forecourt outside the station and drop you in Piazza Matteotti.


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