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Extra Virgin Olive Oil selling

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Olive trees cover many of Umbria's low-lying hills, giving the landscape that particular silvery green colour. Olives grow in a specific environment where, helped by the skills of the local inhabitants and the weather, they produce the region's famed high quality extra virgin olive oil.

The different high-quality organic cultivations are differentiated according to soil, the taste of the oil and the methods adopted. All these factors represent a guarantee, which is expressed by D.O.P label: Umbria appellation contrôlée.

- The history :
The olive tree was cultivated by Etruscans since VI century b.C. The olive characterizes the landscapes of the Umbria hills, it adorns farm houses, village and towns. The lobour, care and love dedicated to this tree are rewarded by its product, oil, with its exclusive and irreplaceable qualities and features.
This "jewel" from Perugia's area must have a distinctive green colour, with a full fruity taste, an aromatic scent without any defect. The oils of those farms that join to Perugia-Quality periodically undergo chemical analyses and panels. The results confirm the high quality, and the very low presence of acidity (less than 0,3%), so that all the production from Perugia is widely into the parameters of the extra virgin olive oil.

The importance of some analyses of extra virgin olive oil :
The acidity determines the quality category of the oil.
The peroxides indicate the state of conservation of the oil with specific reference to rancidity: the lower the number of peroxides, the better the quality of the oil. Beyond the limit of 20 meq. O2/kg the oil cannot be sold for human consumption.
By means of U.V. spectrum analysis a mechanically extracted oil can be distinguished from one extracted by chemical solvents; also, the stata of oxidation can be determinad. Industrially extracted oils have high K and Delta K values.
The tocopherols indicate the Vitamin E content. They are an index of the quality of the oil, act as antioxidants (i.e., they protect the oil from ageing) and are of great nutritional importance.
The acidic composition is extremely important in ascertaining whether an oil is genuine. The presence of some fatty acids that do not appear in oil extracted from olives or a different value compared with those normally present in olive oil can reveal the addition of oil from other sources.
The polyphenols affect positively the taste of the oil and also act as antioxidants. They are also nutritionally important for the human diet.
The refraction index is another way of defining the genuineness of an oil.

Advice for conserving extra virgin olive oil :
NO: exposure to heat; NO: exposure to light; NO: transparent bottles; NO: uncapped bottles – not full; YES: in a cool place; YES: in the dark; YES: UV light - proof bottles; YES: capped, full bottles
- The importance of some analyses of Umbrian Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Advice for conserving Umbrian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil in the province of Perugia

A unique taste, a pleasant aroma and a dark green colour are the key-features of local olive oil, highly prized on account its low acidity level (less than 1% and sometimes even close to 0%). The environmental conditions, the weather, the exposure to the sun and the nature of soil contribute to the high-quality of local oil. Bruschetta is the best way to taste olive oil. It is a slice of local toasted bread rubbed with a clove of garlic and soaked in olive oil.

Where to Buy

Azienda Agraria Sasso Rosso Loc. Capodacqua di Assisi - 06081 Assisi [Pg] Tel & Fax +39 0758707128 email:aziendaagraria@sassorosso.it
• Extra virgin olive oil for sale. Buy online or come and see us in Assisi.
Web site languages: Italiano English 



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