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ASSISI Museums and galleries - Municipal Art Gallery

Housed in the 17th century Palazzo Vallemani, the Pinacoteca is made up of a rich nucleus of frescoes and a number of paintings from the 14th to the 17th century.

Works are hung so as to highlight their provenance. Their distinctly secular and urban nature makes for an interesting contrast with the Franciscan nature of Assisi.

Artists represented in the collection include Giotto, Puccio Capanna and Andrea d’Assisi.

Opening hours:
Tutti i giorni dal 16 MARZO al 15 OTTOBRE
ore 10,00-13,00 / 14,00-18,00
Every day from October 16th to March 15th,
10am-1pm / 2-5pm

Closed December 25th and January 1st.

Pinacoteca Comunale di Assisi
Via San Francesco
06081 – Assisi (Perugia)
Tel. and Fax +39 (0)75812033

Info Line
Tel 199194114

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