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Relais in Assisi
Relais in Assisi
Luxury Hotel from 1922
Luxury Hotel from 1922
Relais in Assisi
Relais in Assisi

ASSISI Art and tourist attractions - Along Via San Francesco

Coming from the Basilica of St Francis, Via San Francesco runs all the way to Piazza del Comune.

Immediately on the left stands the Casa dei Maestri Comacini, which in the 15th century belonged to the master builders working in the Assisi area.

The long Baroque facade that follows Palazzo Giacobetti (by Giacomo Giorgetti, 17th century), with a massive central balcony supported by corbels. This is the seat of the city library, the archives of the Sacro Convento, the city archives and the notary archives.

Among the many treasures kept here there is the Bible of St Ludwig of Toulouse, with French 12th century miniatures, as well as the oldest text containing the writings of St Francis and the Canticle of the Creatures.

On the other side of the street stands the Oratorio dei Pellegrini, built in 1432 by the brotherhood of San Giacomo e Sant'Antonio that also ran an adjacent hospital for pilgrims, now vanished. The fresco on the facade depicts "Christ Resurrected, St James and Brother Anthony" and is by Matteo da Gualdo (1468).

The interior is almost entirely covered by frescoes. The altar wall is also by Matteo da Gualdo, while the scenes depicting St James and St Anthony are the work of Pier Antonio Mezzastris (1471). St James and Sant'Ansano on the interior wall of the facade are now attributed to Andrea d‘Assisi, known as l‘Ingegno, whom Vasari considered the best pupil of Perugino.

A little further on stand the seven arches of the portico of Monte Frumentario, an ancient hospital and resting place built in 1267, followed by the fine Fonte Olivera of 1570. After 200 mt you arrive to Piazza del Comune.

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