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Eating well by Lake Trasimene

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Looking to eat fresh water fish in Umbria? Then you can't beat the carp cooked over a wood fire or the tegamaccio a type of fish soup stew made from all the types of fish from Lake Trasimene and cooked with the best olive oil, white wine and herbs.

Indeed, Lake Trasimene is the largest expanse of water in central Italy.

Supported by the URAT (Union Albergatore Ristoratore del Trasimeno' and the APT of Umbria, the various restaurants are given a rating depending on the preparation, quality and use of the local produce. All are listed in a guide available from the tourist information offices.

Lake Trasimene was also the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the classical period, at least in Italy. A book called 'Cartaginesi e Romani alla Battaglia del Trasimeno' has managed to combine the fish dinners with ancient history in a seamless volume.

It is a layman's account of the battle between the Carthaginians and Romans on 20th June 217BC, interspersed with menus from the above restaurants.

It's an engrossing read even if the 'crostini di fegato e di uova di regina' and 'chitarrini home-made al sugo di persico reale' were probably the last thing on the minds of the Nubian spearmen and Gallic mercenaries 2000 years ago.

The style of the website is how we hope you will enjoy your discovery of Umbria and her food.

In the surroundings there are many restaurants that allow you to taste sea and lake-food specialties.

Restaurant Da Massimo Loc. San Savino - Via dei Romani, 16 - 06063 - Magione (Perugia) Ph. +39 075 8476094 - 075 8476269 email:damassimo@perugiaonline.com • Surrounded by the green Lake Trasimeno hills, you will find the restaurant "Da Massimo", where a diligent family management allows you to taste sea and lake-food specialties. A comfortable parking lot, large restaurant rooms with purified and conditioned air make the restaurant "Da Massimo" a compulsory stop of lovers of fine cuisine and good living.
Web site languages: Italiano English Deutsch Français Españiol Japanese 



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Lyrick Theatre Assisi 
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Churches of Assisi 

  Transport in town
Streets of Assisi 
Traffic restrictions 
Parking Mojano - historic centre 
Parking (others) 
Buses & Taxis 
Town map 
How to reach Assisi by car 
How to reach Assisi by Train  
How to reach Assisi by Air 

  Transport out of town
Local and national buses 

  Where to Stay
Hotel Panda 
Holiday Farm Colle degli Olivi 

Casa del Cioccolato Perugina

  Where to eat and drink
Restaurant Colle degli Olivi 

Italian Language School for Foreigners 

  Art and monuments
The Rocca Maggiore 
Temple of Minerva 
Palazzo Capitano del Popolo 
Roman Amphitheatre 

  Art and religion
Eremo delle Carceri 
The Basilica of St Francis and the Sacro Convento 
The Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli 
The Basilica of St Claire 
Abbey of St. Pietro 
St. Damian's Convent 
St. Rufino Cathedral 
Church of Santa Maria Maggiore 
St. Francis of Assisi - 2, 3 and 4 October 


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  What to see & do
4th OCTOBER, Feast of San Francesco of Assisi 
Italian Language School for foreigners 
Park of Colfiorito 
Perugino exhibition and the Porziuncola chapel in Santa Maria degli Angeli - Assisi 
Golfing holidays 
Assisi Farm Stay Colle degli Olivi 
Sapori Tipici Umbri, buy now 

  Lake Trasimeno
General Information Lake Trasimeno 
The islands - boat tours Lake Trasimeno 
Eating well by Lake Trasimene 
Where to stay by Lake Trasimene 
Bathing - Lake Trasimeno 
Mooring Lake Trasimeno 
Navigation regulations 

  Specials - In & Out of town
Weddings in Umbria 
Wellness in Umbria - Assisi area 
Honeymooning in Umbria 

Casa del Cioccolato Perugina

  Typical products
Sapori Tipici Umbri 
Norcia Ham IGP 
Mushrooms selling 
Truffles selling 
Extra Virgin Olive Oil selling 
Wine selling 

  Museums and galleries
The Porziuncola Museum 
Cathedral Museum and Crypt of St Rufino 
Municipal Art Gallery 
Treasure Museum & F.M. Perkins Collection 
Civic Museum & Roman Forum 

  Art and tourist attractions
Forest of Saint Francis - Assisi - FAI 
Along Via San Francesco 
Park of Mount Subasio  
The Calendimaggio :
the Ides of May Festivity