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Wednesday 26 March 2025
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Tourist Groups Assisi hotel Panda
Holiday Farm Colle Degli Olivi
La Rosetta Hotel & Restaurant, Perugia

General travel tips

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Passport Regulations
A visa is not required for US or Canadian citizens holding a valid passport unless they expect to stay in Italy for more than 90 days or are entering the country for study or employment reasons. Anyone who decides to stay over 90 days once they have entered the country should make an application once only to any police station (questura) for an additional 90-day extension. Proof will be required to ascertain that the person is a bona fide tourist with adequate means of support and that the extension is not for study or employment purposes. Generally, permission is granted immediately. Non-American citizens should check current visa requirements with the nearest Italian Consulate before departure.

A traveller entering Italy with a dog or cat must have a veterinary certificate stating that the animal is in good health and has been vaccinated against rabies between 20 days and 11 months prior to entry into Italy. The certificate must also state the breed, age, sex and color of the pet, as well as the owner's name and address. The certificate is valid for 30 days. Forms are obtainable at all Italian diplomatic and consular representatives and from the Italian Government Travel Office. Parrots, parakeets, rabbits and hares also require health certificates and in addition are subject to an examination upon entering Italy. A dog must be on a leash or muzzled when in public. Customs officials may require a health examination of any pet if they suspect that it is ill or has come directly from tropical regions.

Registration for Tourists
The paperwork related to registering with the police within 3 days of arrival in Italy is dealt with by the hotels the tourist is staying in. If staying with friends or in a private home, tourists must register in person at the nearest police station within three days of arrival. In Rome there is a special police information office to assist tourists. (Interpreters are available) telephone: 06.461-950 or 06.486-609.

Healthcare and MedicalAssistance
Tourists requiring urgent medical care should go to the nearest hospital emergency ward (airports and many train stations also have medical teams and first aid facilities). Those with serious illnesses or allergies should always carry a special note from their physicians giving detailed information on the treatments they are following or that may be necessary. Pharmacies (Farmacia), generally follow shop opening times (approx. from 8.30am to 12.30pm and from 3 to 7pm, Monday to Saturday, but in large cities many are open throughout the day. Night time service is provided on a shift basis. Business hours and night shifts are displayed outside each pharmacy and are published in local papers. It is advisable to procure a document certifying coverage by the national health care service before departure.

Health Services and Insurance Policy
Italy has no medical program covering citizens from the US and Canada. US and Canadian tourists are therefore advised to take out an insurance policy before traveling. First Aid Service (Pronto Soccorso) with a doctor on hand is found at airports, ports, railway stations and in all hospitals. Medicines, be they prescription or over the counter, can be obtained only in pharmacies.



  General information
Assisi World Heritage 
Associations & Groups 
Tourist Guides and visit guided in Umbria 
General travel tips 
Useful - emergency numbers 
Weather information  
Lyrick Theatre Assisi 
Metastasio Theatre Assisi 
Local opening times 
Churches of Assisi 

  Transport in town
Streets of Assisi 
Traffic restrictions 
Parking Mojano - historic centre 
Parking (others) 
Buses & Taxis 
Town map 
How to reach Assisi by car 
How to reach Assisi by Train  
How to reach Assisi by Air 

  Transport out of town
Local and national buses 

  Where to Stay
Hotel Panda 
Holiday Farm Colle degli Olivi 

Casa del Cioccolato Perugina

  Where to eat and drink
Restaurant Colle degli Olivi 

Italian Language School for Foreigners 

  Art and monuments
The Rocca Maggiore 
Temple of Minerva 
Palazzo Capitano del Popolo 
Roman Amphitheatre 

  Art and religion
Eremo delle Carceri 
The Basilica of St Francis and the Sacro Convento 
The Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli 
The Basilica of St Claire 
Abbey of St. Pietro 
St. Damian's Convent 
St. Rufino Cathedral 
Church of Santa Maria Maggiore 
St. Francis of Assisi - 2, 3 and 4 October 


  News from Assisi
Sorry, non news - i soggetti interessati a far conoscere le iniziative che avranno luogo nell'ambito del territorio comunale sono invitati a darne comunicazione con congruo anticipo utilizzando l'email redazione@umbriaonline.com
All Assisi news

Tourist Groups Assisi Hotel Panda

  What to see & do
4th OCTOBER, Feast of San Francesco of Assisi 
Italian Language School for foreigners 
Park of Colfiorito 
Perugino exhibition and the Porziuncola chapel in Santa Maria degli Angeli - Assisi 
Golfing holidays 
Assisi Farm Stay Colle degli Olivi 
Sapori Tipici Umbri, buy now 

  Lake Trasimeno
General Information Lake Trasimeno 
The islands - boat tours Lake Trasimeno 
Eating well by Lake Trasimene 
Where to stay by Lake Trasimene 
Bathing - Lake Trasimeno 
Mooring Lake Trasimeno 
Navigation regulations 

  Specials - In & Out of town
Weddings in Umbria 
Wellness in Umbria - Assisi area 
Honeymooning in Umbria 

Casa del Cioccolato Perugina

  Typical products
Sapori Tipici Umbri 
Norcia Ham IGP 
Mushrooms selling 
Truffles selling 
Extra Virgin Olive Oil selling 
Wine selling 

  Museums and galleries
The Porziuncola Museum 
Cathedral Museum and Crypt of St Rufino 
Municipal Art Gallery 
Treasure Museum & F.M. Perkins Collection 
Civic Museum & Roman Forum 

  Art and tourist attractions
Forest of Saint Francis - Assisi - FAI 
Along Via San Francesco 
Park of Mount Subasio  
The Calendimaggio :
the Ides of May Festivity